Indian Wedding traditions are based on a rich and cultural history that is so strong that it still carries on today in multiple countries across the world. There are multiple spellings for the word such as Sahi Chitti, Sahe Di Chithi, Saha Chitti, etc – all of these are correct, it’s just a different way to write the same thing. Throughout our years in the wedding industry, we’ve handcrafted over 300 Sahe Chithi‘s and have addressed multiple questions about them. We decided to condense all of our expertise on these unique cultural artifacts to shed some light on the best practices!
What is a Sahe Chithi?
Sahe Chithi roughly translates into “Wedding Letter”. This is historically the first invitation that is given from the brides family to the grooms family, and used to take on the form of a scroll. The reason it was a scroll was because several hundred years ago, things were easier to carry on horseback in a scroll form. At that time, Sahe Chithi’s were usually handwritten in Punjabi by a Granthi (or Priest) from the grooms village/town and delivered by a family member to the brides village/town. This was a significant event as it legitimized the wedding and acted like a physical written document that recorded the wedding. For that reason, many Sahe Chithi’s can still be found in in the form of a scroll even today!
As times have evolved, so has the interpretation of what a Sahe Chithi serves as. Now, it’s a joyful ceremony that marks the beginning of the wedding festivities, and Sahe Chithi’s are presented to the family typically a week or two before the wedding date. It’s a way to share a beautiful token of Indian heritage and a memory between two families. Similarly, the physical characteristics are much different and there are many more options for the types of Sahe Chithi’s you have available! For example, our Luxury Sahe Chithi is a velvet box that incorporates a wax seal to pay respect to the hand-made nature of the chithi.

How to Incorporate a Sahe Chithi
Remember, these are meant to be a long term keep-sake they act like a memory of the moment. Here are a couple of tips that we always ask our clients to consider when thinking about their Sahe Chithi.
- We always recommend that the couple provides professional photos to be included in the Sahe Chithi so they are sharp and high quality
- We recommend using a photo of the couple where their faces are visible
- Consider your outfit and photo that you choose. what colour of Sahe Chithi will best match your outfits and photo?
- Keep your photo classy, this is meant to be a timeless and modest memory!
- Consider what elements you want to include in presenting your Sahe Chithi, for example some clients have done trays, flowers, and mini palki’s
- Determine if you are looking for English or Punjabi wording (we do both!)
Sahe Chithi's in Modern Weddings
If you know anything about Esgee Art Design, you know that we create products that incorporate traditional elements in a modern presentation. As modern aesthetics continue to evolve, we are finding that the trend is are moving towards a more elegant and simplistic presentation. This can be done while still keeping our cultural traditions intact!
Our clients never cease to surprise us on the beautiful and creative elements that they use in presenting their Sahe Chithi’s. Check out this gallery of some ideas!
Closing Statement
Sahe Di Chithi’s are a key aspect of Indian Weddings and set the tone for the entire event. It carries a deep historical and cultural significance, and should be treated with respect, and grace. It should be something that can seamlessly fit into the home and remind you of the beautiful bond you formed during your wedding.
We pride ourselves in meticulously crafting Sahe Chithi’s that we are proud to present. If you have any questions or would like to order your Sahe Chithi from us, check out our online store.
Looking for a Luxury Sahe Chithi?
See our collection of unique and timeless pieces below. All of our Sahe Di Chithi’s include a printed photograph, fast worldwide shipping, digital proofs and are sure to exceed your expectations. Allow us to honor your wedding with a handcrafted product that we are proud to make and order online today!